Battlebit Remastered Recon class guide

The standard fit for the Recon class in Battlebit Remastered.

Everyone loves sniping in FPS games, and Battlebit Remastered is an excellent game for snipers due to how big most of the maps are.

The Recon class is the perfect fit for players passionate about sniping in FPS games. Some of the maps, especially ones used in the 127v127 game modes are quite large, giving you plenty of opportunities to take down enemies from afar. So if you’re interested in long-range combat let’s take a look at what makes this class work.

Battlebit Recon Loadout

An ideal fit for one of the strongest sniper rifles in Battlebit Remastered.

Since they are relegated to long-range combat and support, Recons have access to Sniper Rifles and DMRs. The main difference between the two is that all Sniper Rifles in the game are bolt-action, meaning you have to load a new round after every shot. DMRs on the other hand are semi-auto, meaning you can fire repeatedly until your magazine is empty. Choosing between the two mostly depends on the map you’re playing. A DMR will work great on smaller maps, allowing you to fire more rounds toward enemy positions in a shorter span of time. Sniper Rifles on the other hand work better on bigger maps where you can get a vantage point and work your magic.

As far as your armor and backpacks go, you should definitely try to equip any armor that gives you extra pockets for magazines. Since your main enemies will generally be other snipers, having extra armor is pretty much useless. You’ll mainly die to a headshot most of the time, and whenever a regular soldier creeps up on you, you’re pretty dead anyway, no matter what armor you have equipped. But having some extra magazines with you is extremely important, especially if you prefer distant locations where having access to additional ammo is pretty much impossible. This is extremely important for Sniper Rifles since most of them only come with three magazines by default.

Recons also have access to Air Drones that can be used in tandem with C4 to blow enemies apart from a distance, or open up walls in buildings. Your other unique gadget is the MDX 201 which can be dropped to emit a scope glint in an effort to trick enemies into thinking it’s an actual sniper.

To snipe or counter-snipe?

The Recon class getting ready to take someone out in Battlebit Remastered.

Scope glints are the bane of snipers in these types of games, and this stays the same in Battlebit Remastered. It’s even worse here since currently your scope glint can be seen through foliage making you an easy target for other snipers. This is why most players have stopped using long-range scopes altogether. I would suggest you do the same, even though you’ll be lowering your chances of hitting those long shots. And despite how satisfying those shots might feel, sometimes playing a counter-sniper position with a medium scope will net you a ton more kills while keeping you safe.