Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition slated for a PC launch

The main protagonist of the Horizon series, Alloy.
Source: playstation.com

It would seem that Sony’s tactic of bringing some of their exclusive titles to PC has panned out, and Horizon Forbidden West is next on the list.

Rumors abound about the possible launch of a Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition that will soon come out for PS5 as well as PC. Even though Sony have stated in the past that they’re sticking to games for consoles, recent successes seem to have changed their mind. Their first experiment was the first title in the series, Horizon Zero Dawn, which was met with enough sales to warrant other titles be brought to PC. Thus, we also got God of War and the sequel will also follow soon. While the news of this port might just be rumors, the game did pop up on Singapore’s Rating board called IMDA.

But the main caveat of these ports is the fact that they are launched years after the PlayStation launches, which makes sense. This is nothing new for the industry, with Rockstar infamously launching their games on consoles first and only then on PC. Piracy and a dash of greed can be blamed for this, since piracy on consoles is minuscule when compared to PC.

A very relevant reason for these ports is that console architectures have changed over the years. In the past, a console had a very specific architecture due to many reasons, including ensuring that piracy wasn’t possible. But nowadays all consoles run on the x86-64 architectures, which are identical to the ones used on PCs. This means that porting games to PC has never been easier, and with AI tools making their way into the industry, it will probably become even simpler over time. And with plenty of upcoming PlayStation games on PC, it’s a good time for people who can’t afford or don’t want a Sony console.