Make sure you don’t lock yourself out of Phantom Liberty in Cyberpunk 2077

Concept art with V for the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion Phantom Liberty.

With Phantom Liberty finally coming out alongside the 2.0 patch for Cyberpunk 2077, fans are eager to return to this newly polished experience.

Phantom Liberty is finally here, and players are slowly trickling back to Cyberpunk 2077 to experience this new content. The main story mission that will start the Phantom Liberty campaign is relegated to endgame characters though, meaning you should first finish the main campaign. And with CDPR telling players that older characters might prove troublesome to continue playing with since so much has changed in the game, it might mean you have to start a new campaign. I regret spending 40 hours doing side-content before losing interest in the game without even reaching the mid-part of the story missions.

But alongside the issue of having to start the game all over again, users have spotted another problem. When you are offered the Phantom Liberty quest by Idris Elba’s character, you also get the option of saying no. Do this once and other characters will start chiming in that you should probably give this some afterthought. Even Johnny will pop out and tell you to reconsider. If you still go ahead with your decision of not accepting this mission, congratulations, you’ve just locked yourself out of the Phantom Liberty campaign. You can still explore the new areas of town and do any of the side content, but the campaign missions will be forever lost on this playthrough.

While many people might argue that this is a weird decision on the part of CDPR, it does make some sense. Instead of railroading players into this campaign, they at least give you the option to say no. And while you might accidentally say no or do it for the giggles, there is always the easy solution of just loading un an older save and trying again.