PUBG Erangel 2023 map update first screenshots and details emerge

erangel 2023 map update details
Source: YouTube, PUBG

PUBG has been working on updating the classic Erangel map for quite a while, but what major changes will there be?

Update 10/11/23: Make sure to check out my Erangel secret room location guide article to figure out how to get in.

Erangel has seen its fair share of map updates, the most prominent one being the big “bridge and boat” update, where they added a worthy ship travel system from and to the military Island of Sosnovka in patch 11.2 back in April 2021, alongside with an under bridge waypoint. Since then, players have been waiting for PUBG to do something worthwhile for the classic and original battle royale map. Similar to the recent Miramar update, where they remade and added some new locations, made roads more accessible, and so on, the 2023 Erangel update seems to follow in its footsteps, as in, the patch will be more subtle and not a total overhaul as we’ve seen with Vikendi Reborn.

New Erangel map changes

These are so far the areas on Erangel that are confirmed to be drastically changed. It’s not known for sure if other compounds across the map will receive overhauls and any other changes for that matter. From the following images, you can see how PUBG focused on making some areas more accessible by vehicles just like they did with the Miramar update, a feature very welcomed by the community.


It seems like the town of Mylta has seen some major overhauls. It’s tighter now, and apparently a bit smaller, with a few added warehouses and buildings on the south side. On the north side, there is a new farm compound with a bit of variety in terms of terrain.


There are a few noticeable changes added to Erangel’s Ruins area. Apart from some walls being removed, there isn’t much to talk about this part of the map.


Stalber, the old-school mountain area located on the northwest side of Erangel, has seen some dramatic changes as well, with its main building being scaled up into a larger observatory structure with lots of warehouses around it, similar to the one on the new Vikendi Reborn.

Boat Yard

A totally new place, Boat Yard will replace the classic “Water Town”, an unofficially named area on Erangel, that wasn’t too frequented by players due to its inaccessibility. Boat Yard will for sure be a hot drop and a favorite jumping spot in the near future, as the location is central.

Other Erangel map update details and release date

Some PUBG partners have received a media kit for the new Erangel map update, packed with details, screenshots, and some videos. Most notably, Erangel will receive massive changes to areas like Water Town, Ruins, Stalber, and Mylta. Here are some albums filled with screenshots of the new map changes. There will be an additional “secret room”, but we’ll know more about that down the road probably. But for now, read on to see what we have in store for now.

PUBG officially teased this 2023 Erange map quite a few times this year, and in a recent social media teaser announcement, they stated that Erangel is having a transformation that will be more dynamic and mysterious. As for a solid release date, officially it says “Coming up in the next update. In October.”, so pretty soon down the line.