Resident Evil 5 remake hinted in RE4’s ending

Resident Evil 5 Remake
Image source: Capcom

A Resident Evil 5 remake has been hinted at in Resident Evil 4. How awesome would it be to re-live the adventure Chris and Sheva had, but with next-gen graphics?

Before reading any further, beware of possible spoilers.

Is a Resident Evil 5 remake really happening?

The closing of the Resident Evil 4 remake, which was one of the most expected PS5 titles of 2023, has some rather obvious references to a Resident Evil 5 reboot, such as a brief appearance of Excella Gionne and a scene in a garden where Chris and Sheva find the Progenitor Virus’s origin.

In the game’s ending, Wesker’s screen has several obvious allusions to the events of Resident Evil 5, as noticed by Redditor twisteer94 and posted on the Resident Evil subreddit.

I’m glad for her little cameo (My man already had a plan B)
by u/twisteer94 in residentevil

The Underground Garden from the fifth chapter of the game, which is where the Progenitor Virus was created, is clearly shown in the centre of the screen, making it the most obvious of them all. The second clue that Resident Evil 5 may be recreated is Excella Gionne, a businesswoman who joins forces with Wesker during the game’s events and is visible in the upper left corner of the screen. Although it’s a little unclear, it’s simple to identify her hairstyle.

Resident Evil 5 Remake
Image source:

Honestly, I think that is enough for us to say that a Resident Evil 5 remake will be happening, but frankly, it is impossible to tell when will this happen. All I can say is that Resident Evil 5 was my favourite game and I’m looking forward to playing it again, with current-day graphics and technology.