Sushi for Robots is a cute new indie puzzler coming out in 2023

Screenshot of gameplay from Sushi for Robots coming out in 2023.

If you’re a fan of indie puzzlers, then Sushi for Robots might look quite enticing. Indie developer Luis Diaz Peralta is developing it with art and music created by Ludipe and Friends.

Core gameplay

One of the many puzzles that you will encounter in Sushi for Robots.

To start things off, you will take control of a sushi shop that only caters to robots. But these are some busy robots, and they don’t have a lot of patience, so getting their orders in time is very important. While you might find a solution for a particular level, you will still lose if it takes too long. Thus, figuring out the fastest solution is key to getting through this game.

Every level will offer you a new layout for a table with conveyor belts, offering plenty of diversity.  Each robot will have a color, and you will have to feed him the corresponding colored sushi. You will have to place various pieces on the conveyors to do this. Some of these will change the direction of the conveyors, while others will change the color of any sushi that passes through their tile.

While this might sound difficult, the game’s pacing is pretty relaxed. You can’t lose since you can always restart a level with one button press. So whatever you do, you can always rinse and repeat until you get it right. Experimentation is the name of the game, especially in later levels where figuring out the solution is easier said than done.

Adorable graphics and simple controls

Sushi for Robots puzzle gameplay screenshot.

The team at Ludipe and Friends has done an excellent job with the graphics. The game was first iterated on with a very barebones visual style. When comparing the two, the full version looks like a breath of fresh air. All characters look straight out of a cartoon and will emote accordingly if you make them wait too long.

The controls are catered to using a mouse, which means we might not see a port to consoles. Maybe the Nintendo Switch could make it work by using touch controls. But overall, the controls are pretty easy to understand. You pick up pieces and drag them to their positions before setting things in motion.

Sushi for Robots will be out for PC and macOS sometime in Q2 of 2023. Have a look at the trailer and decide if this is a title that looks interesting to you.