Battlebit Remastered Engineer Class guide

Standard fitting for the Engineer class in Battlebit Remastered.

Since Battlebit also throws vehicles into the fray, there is obviously a class that takes care of them and takes enemy ones out.

Battlebit features the standard fare of vehicles that you have come to expect from such a game. You have a plethora of ground vehicles, including Buggies, Humvees, APCs, and Tanks, as well as two types of helicopters. They all have their own role to fulfil, be it simple troop transport or actual combat. And to help things out, the Engineer class is there to either focus on taking them down or repairing them. So let’s take a look at what the Engineer class has to offer in Battlebit Remastered.

Battlebit Engineer Loadout

A good fit for a DMR for the Engineer in Battlebit Remastered.

If you still want to focus on infantry combat while playing the Engineer, you’re in luck. The Engineer can equip ARs, SMGs, PDWs, Carbines, and even DMRs, making him one of the most versatile classes when it comes to main weapons. Choosing the right tool for the job is obviously dependent on the map you’re playing. The DMR is especially interesting for the class, allowing you to stay back with a tank or an APC while also offering some effective long-range fire.

Obviously, the main attraction of the Engineer class is the RPG. This rocket launcher will help you take out enemy vehicles as well as infantry. It can even be used to take down walls and different types of cover to offer your troops new access points. You can use three types of rockets, each with its own strengths. Fragmentation is ideal against infantry or taking down buildings since it has a lot of splash damage while foregoing penetration against vehicles. HEAT is your go-to type of rocket when engaging most vehicle types, but keep in mind that it has a lower splash than fragmentation. And last but not least you have Tandem rockets which are meant to take down the most armored of targets while having the lowest range out of all options.

If you want to play a more defensive role, you can also equip the Repair Tool which can heal friendly vehicles. The best strategy is to jump into a vehicle and jump out and start repairing it when it starts taking damage. This tactic does require a little bit of coordination with the driver but when it works any vehicle player will love you for it.

Friend and foe for vehicles

An Engineer blowing up the side of a building in Battlebit Remastered.

With an emphasis on either backing up friendly vehicles or taking out enemy ones, the Engineer shines on big maps which have a higher amount of vehicles. This obviously makes him kind of an overlooked class on Infantry Only maps or smaller maps that have fewer vehicles. But despite all of that, the fact that you can take down enemy cover from a distance is still worthwhile in most situations. Paired up with a Support player that keeps replenishing your ammo, you can quickly crumple a building on top of your enemies.