Battlebit Remastered Medic Class guide

The regular fit for the Medic class in Battlebit Remastered.

Sometimes playing the healer in a game like an MMO might seem rather boring, but FPS games are a little bit different.

If you’re a Battlefield veteran, which let’s face it you probably are if you’re playing Battlebit, you might already know how strong the Medic class can get. And Battlebit is no different, with the Medic generally coming out on top as the most played class. When you look at the cold hard facts it’s easy to understand why. The fact that you can heal yourself and others is more than enough to make it a crowd favorite, since you can run and gun with small pauses to heal yourself back up. So let’s see what makes the Medic tick.

Battlebit Medic Loadout

The ideal fit for a Vector for the Medic class in Battlebit Remastered.

As far as guns go, Medics have a wide array of guns to choose from, with some people arguing that currently, they have way too many options. And when you compare them to other classes like the Support (which has a grand total of FOUR main guns available), it’s easy to understand why some are complaining.

The Medic can access Assault Rifles, SMGs, PDWs, and Carbines. Choosing the right weapon for the mission depends on the map you’re currently playing. SMGs and PDWs work best on smaller city maps, with ARs being ideal for larger-scale maps. Both Carbine options have been nerfed to the ground recently, making them pretty much useless in any situation.

But the real strength of the Medic is the fact that he can carry 20 bandages at a time to revive his teammates with and two Medkits. These kits can either be used on yourself or allies or dropped so your allies can access them by themselves. Do remember that both reviving and healing are done faster by the Medic class. Generally when surrounded by a lot of wounded allies you can drop a Medkit and pick it up later after everyone has had a chance to heal themselves.

Scoreboard leader

A Medic picking up a fallen teammate in Battlebit Remastered.

As many people have already noticed, Medics are currently in the top of the leaderboards in most matches. Unless you have a vehicle spammer who knows what he’s doing, getting in the top of your team is easy when playing a Medic. When starting out the game and you want to level up fast, you can try out simply playing a Medic that is focused on healing and reviving. Since reviving and healing a teammate will almost give you the equivalent of four kills, it’s easy to rack up the points and level up fast.

If you find this tactic boring and you want to be in the thick of combat, the lone wolf method can also work. Simply try to flank your enemies and rack up the kills while healing yourself in between engagements. To help with this tactic you should definitely equip C4 since it will allow you to break down walls and create new entry points for a flank inside of a building. And from time to time you’ll also come across a vehicle that needs destroying, netting you some more points.