Microsoft to incorporate OpenAI’s Chat GPT into its Bing search engine

Is this the turning point of search engine competition where Google is finally going to have someone to fight against?

With artificial intelligence taking over the web slowly but steadily, some tech companies may face a real challenge in keeping up with technologies while others embrace AI and use it to their advantage.

This seems to be the case with Microsoft, an early investor in OpenAI, which is an artificial intelligence research company. The tech giant is looking into improving its own Bing search engine by making it more accessible to users.

About OpenAI

OpenAI first became famous after launching DALLĀ·E 2, the infamous artificial intelligence image generator that actually generated more controversy in the art community, accused of stealing other people’s work and creating a template based on their original designs.

Be that as it may, we’re now facing the same problem but this time with copywriting. The second module of OpenAI, ChatGPT, is a personal assistant of sorts similar to Alexa or Siri if you will. It helps you do a number of tasks from answering basic questions that one would find on Wikipedia, to generating working code to make a programmer’s life easier.

Is Google in trouble?

As all SEOs know that Google is by far the most popular search engine on the market. In our Google Analytics views, we are always used to seeing around 90% of our organic traffic coming from Google. A recent study by Statista shows that between 2015 and 2022, 84% of the total search engine traffic was attributed to Google. That’s a monopoly if I ever saw one.

A report from The New York Times suggests that Google is acknowledging the new game-changing AI search engine and are in “code red”, meaning they will also try to incorporate a similar AI system to their existing algorithm.

Bing + Chat GPT = a strong competition to Google

So what would a successful new search engine mean on the grand scale of things, and who would this affect in a negative or positive way? If Bing will successfully incorporates ChatGPT into its algorithm, online media outlets will suffer the most.

ChatGPT has already proven to be super-efficient when it comes to generating text paragraphs and even full comprehensive articles that could easily substitute a well-written journalistic piece by an established news media outlet.

How I imagine this will work is basically like so: ChatGPT will display an original rich result when searching for a query, replacing third-party websites results in the process, at least for the first-place result.

In the end, all competition is welcomed. A new and revolutionary search engine will force Google to adapt and improve its own game to stay in line with current trends and user needs.